Ten Things About Me:
1) I absolutely hate eating leftovers.
2) I am shamelessly addicted to caffeine. Don't even bother trying to talk to me if I haven't had my Starbucks for the day, unless of course you enjoy being yelled out. I can't help it that I find unexplainable happiness in a Grande cup of Peppermint Mocha or a Carmel Macchiatto.
3) I daily thank God for spell check.
4) Growing up in Texas, you are bred to love football because high school football is a way of life. And then I went to Auburn. Football at Auburn IS life. The days spent in the off season are filled with dreams of Jordan Hare, the eagle flying over the field, and talks of all the recruits that were just in town. I now eat, sleep, and breathe Auburn football.
6) My sister got married in October, and it was definitely one of my favorite days ever. I can't wait to see where her new life takes her!

8) I love to take pictures and scrapbook. I have a scrapbook for every year of my life going wayyy back. I can catch you up to speed on basically every moment of my life pretty quickly!
9) I could talk for hours about absolutely nothing and love all of the friends who let me talk at them all those times.
10) I am a freak of nature and actually enjoy working out. But I also LOVE to eat. At least they balance each other out right??
11) I ate half a batch of Puppy Chow while typing this... so now my keyboard is covered in stickyness. Oooopps!!
you being slightly inappropriate...no never:) Phillip times