Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Days 3-5: First Love, Parents, Siblings
Due to the fact that I have already blogged about Day 3: My First Love, Nordstrom's, I decided to go ahead and do Day 4: My Parents & Day 5: My Siblings.
This picture is my parents & me at the Iron Bowl game in Tuscaloser. We drove from Dallas to Alabama on Thanksgiving Day to make it to the game, which was definitely a once in a lifetime experience. My parents love sports, playing card games, working puzzles, watching NCIS & Criminal Minds, drinking half-caffeine coffee, and eating leftovers. My dad enjoys texting "Gossip Dad" updates of all the happenings in their life, he definitely has had some messages that qualify as favorite texts on whenparentstext.com. My mom has recently signed up for a Facebook account, and it is funny watching her "reconnect" with high school and college friends.
This picture is of my sister & me in New Orleans for her Bachelorette party. She is typically my voice of reason and keeps me from flipping out on people, haha. We used to spend countless hours watching shows like Full House & Friends together. She is the greatest cook I know, and that is saying a lot considering I like to eat. I wish I had even a fraction of her cooking capabilities; however, I'm afraid that three years of dorm living has made me utterly useless in the kitchen (potential husband - don't worry, I am a fast learner!).
Friday, December 24, 2010
Day 2: Meaning Behind Blog Name
There isn't too much to my blog name. These are Lott's Thoughts... Therefore, the blog is called Lott's Thoughts. I did recruit help from some people more creatively minded than myself to try to come up with something catchy and cute. I ended up deciding on the short, to the point one; ironically because nothing I ever say is just that. ;)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Day 1: About Me
Today, I am so bored that I decided to take on the 30 Day Blog Challenge... It will probably take me more than 30 days to complete, that is just a long time to be committed, but as long as we can all accept that from the beginning...
Ten Things About Me:
1) I absolutely hate eating leftovers.
2) I am shamelessly addicted to caffeine. Don't even bother trying to talk to me if I haven't had my Starbucks for the day, unless of course you enjoy being yelled out. I can't help it that I find unexplainable happiness in a Grande cup of Peppermint Mocha or a Carmel Macchiatto.
3) I daily thank God for spell check.
4) Growing up in Texas, you are bred to love football because high school football is a way of life. And then I went to Auburn. Football at Auburn IS life. The days spent in the off season are filled with dreams of Jordan Hare, the eagle flying over the field, and talks of all the recruits that were just in town. I now eat, sleep, and breathe Auburn football.
5) I enjoy being slightly inappropriate. Especially in situations where it is unexpected. In case you haven't met Phillip, you definitely need to. Also, if you have ever heard anyone yelling "I love Kurt Sasser!" out of a car window... I don't think it was his girlfriend.
6) My sister got married in October, and it was definitely one of my favorite days ever. I can't wait to see where her new life takes her!
7) I am indecisive; but when other people are indecisive it is irritating.
8) I love to take pictures and scrapbook. I have a scrapbook for every year of my life going wayyy back. I can catch you up to speed on basically every moment of my life pretty quickly!
9) I could talk for hours about absolutely nothing and love all of the friends who let me talk at them all those times.
10) I am a freak of nature and actually enjoy working out. But I also LOVE to eat. At least they balance each other out right??
11) I ate half a batch of Puppy Chow while typing this... so now my keyboard is covered in stickyness. Oooopps!!
Ten Things About Me:
1) I absolutely hate eating leftovers.
2) I am shamelessly addicted to caffeine. Don't even bother trying to talk to me if I haven't had my Starbucks for the day, unless of course you enjoy being yelled out. I can't help it that I find unexplainable happiness in a Grande cup of Peppermint Mocha or a Carmel Macchiatto.
3) I daily thank God for spell check.
4) Growing up in Texas, you are bred to love football because high school football is a way of life. And then I went to Auburn. Football at Auburn IS life. The days spent in the off season are filled with dreams of Jordan Hare, the eagle flying over the field, and talks of all the recruits that were just in town. I now eat, sleep, and breathe Auburn football.
6) My sister got married in October, and it was definitely one of my favorite days ever. I can't wait to see where her new life takes her!

8) I love to take pictures and scrapbook. I have a scrapbook for every year of my life going wayyy back. I can catch you up to speed on basically every moment of my life pretty quickly!
9) I could talk for hours about absolutely nothing and love all of the friends who let me talk at them all those times.
10) I am a freak of nature and actually enjoy working out. But I also LOVE to eat. At least they balance each other out right??
11) I ate half a batch of Puppy Chow while typing this... so now my keyboard is covered in stickyness. Oooopps!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas Break
Christmas break: A much needed time off from school work ... but also an entire month of living back under the parents' roof with rules and chores and sooo many questions!! What's a kid to do after going months on end without the nagging or "Since you don't have any plans today, would you mind ___" comments?! Naturally, they are going to get angry, try to find a way out, or just start ignoring them.... So in order to look busy, here are the things I have planned to do over break so I don't have to run random errands all the time:
1) Find Chase Crawford. --- After countless nights over the summer of attempting to find him in his native stomping grounds, I was disappointed to leave here without any victory. I will make it my mission to make sure I can spot this fine piece somewhere in Plano and take a picture with him to show all my friends back at school my hometown boyfriend.
2) Shop till I drop. --- Why even bother coming to Dallas if you aren't planning to fork up some major dough at the malls? What else would you be planning to do here? So watch out Northpark, WillowBend, the Galleria, or any other mall within a 15 mile radius of my house, because I'm coming for ya!! (No, that does not include you Collin Creek ... the only thing coming for you is a funky smell and AIDS.)
3) Do hoodrat things with my friendzz. --- Back in the day, the BlowPop Bandits were all the rage in the Plano scene... then there was the GHM ... I think it's about time to rekindle the hoodrat in all of us. We were pros at making Christmas lawn decorations do perverted things to each other. Hahah. Humping Reindeer babies anyone!?
4) Ring in the New Year in style. --- Every New Years adventure comes with a high quality story to tell. Last year, I spent over an hour trying to find a friend who ran away when I tried to drop him off at his house. The year before that was when the Quick Trip man pleaded with us to not vomit in the bathroom. There always seems to be some interesting occurance on New Years, and I can't wait to see what will happen this year.
5) Develop some kind of future for myself. --- Well, I just figured I should start thinkingggg of something... But thinking about thinking about getting a job or what I will do after graduation sounds good enough to me. I wouldn't want to strain myself with too much difficult work over the break.
6) Buy people Christmas gifts (and birthday gifts). --- I might have gotten a little behind on my shopping adventures before finals happened... I definitely have some Christmas and birthday presents to catch up with!! But not to worry, if this one pertains to you - something is coming! Might be later rather than sooner, but you will get something! Promise!
7) Figure out what Tumblr is. --- Everyone keeps talking about Tumblr. I feel like it might be inappropriate to talk about this while I am on my other blog account, but when have I ever cared about being politically correct? I tried to go on there today, but I can't figure it out. Obviously I'm computer retarded.... I thought this whole internet thing was supposed to be easy!
8) gLeek Out! --- I am super behind on Glee... Even though Twitter and E! have ruined some things for me, I am still DYING to figure out what is going on with everyone! PLUS, I "accidentally" ordered Season One off Amazon a few months ago and haven't watched it all yet. What better excuse than to sit on the couch all day and veg!?!
9) Check up on Chuck Bass. --- Similar to the Glee situation, I miss some Chuck Bass in my life. While I could really care less about Serena and her "all about me" drama that totally kills the show, Chuck and Blair is something I really care about. I need to know if they are in love or out of love or just fighting or WHAT! I can't keep it straight!
10) BEAT OREGON! --- Alright all you Tiger Fans, get your hands up for Bodda Getta!!! Oregon vs. Auburn for the National Championship game will be a battle of undefeateds, and Auburn is the underdog --- again! But we weren't expecting anything more. We LOVE being the underdog. Just wait, Cam will do the Heisman on those hoes and it will be game over. Phoenix won't know what hit them when my plane touches down on that runway! CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Lott's Thoughts
1) Find Chase Crawford. --- After countless nights over the summer of attempting to find him in his native stomping grounds, I was disappointed to leave here without any victory. I will make it my mission to make sure I can spot this fine piece somewhere in Plano and take a picture with him to show all my friends back at school my hometown boyfriend.
2) Shop till I drop. --- Why even bother coming to Dallas if you aren't planning to fork up some major dough at the malls? What else would you be planning to do here? So watch out Northpark, WillowBend, the Galleria, or any other mall within a 15 mile radius of my house, because I'm coming for ya!! (No, that does not include you Collin Creek ... the only thing coming for you is a funky smell and AIDS.)
3) Do hoodrat things with my friendzz. --- Back in the day, the BlowPop Bandits were all the rage in the Plano scene... then there was the GHM ... I think it's about time to rekindle the hoodrat in all of us. We were pros at making Christmas lawn decorations do perverted things to each other. Hahah. Humping Reindeer babies anyone!?
4) Ring in the New Year in style. --- Every New Years adventure comes with a high quality story to tell. Last year, I spent over an hour trying to find a friend who ran away when I tried to drop him off at his house. The year before that was when the Quick Trip man pleaded with us to not vomit in the bathroom. There always seems to be some interesting occurance on New Years, and I can't wait to see what will happen this year.
5) Develop some kind of future for myself. --- Well, I just figured I should start thinkingggg of something... But thinking about thinking about getting a job or what I will do after graduation sounds good enough to me. I wouldn't want to strain myself with too much difficult work over the break.
6) Buy people Christmas gifts (and birthday gifts). --- I might have gotten a little behind on my shopping adventures before finals happened... I definitely have some Christmas and birthday presents to catch up with!! But not to worry, if this one pertains to you - something is coming! Might be later rather than sooner, but you will get something! Promise!
7) Figure out what Tumblr is. --- Everyone keeps talking about Tumblr. I feel like it might be inappropriate to talk about this while I am on my other blog account, but when have I ever cared about being politically correct? I tried to go on there today, but I can't figure it out. Obviously I'm computer retarded.... I thought this whole internet thing was supposed to be easy!
8) gLeek Out! --- I am super behind on Glee... Even though Twitter and E! have ruined some things for me, I am still DYING to figure out what is going on with everyone! PLUS, I "accidentally" ordered Season One off Amazon a few months ago and haven't watched it all yet. What better excuse than to sit on the couch all day and veg!?!
9) Check up on Chuck Bass. --- Similar to the Glee situation, I miss some Chuck Bass in my life. While I could really care less about Serena and her "all about me" drama that totally kills the show, Chuck and Blair is something I really care about. I need to know if they are in love or out of love or just fighting or WHAT! I can't keep it straight!
10) BEAT OREGON! --- Alright all you Tiger Fans, get your hands up for Bodda Getta!!! Oregon vs. Auburn for the National Championship game will be a battle of undefeateds, and Auburn is the underdog --- again! But we weren't expecting anything more. We LOVE being the underdog. Just wait, Cam will do the Heisman on those hoes and it will be game over. Phoenix won't know what hit them when my plane touches down on that runway! CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Lott's Thoughts
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I will get to it ... Eventually
My life motto lately has been "I will get to it... eventually..." It has seriously been the craziest couple of months ever.
Things I have learned so far this semester:
1) Changing your major gets easier every time you do it! Goodbye education, hello marketing!!
2) Sleep is so overrated ... all you need is a little coffee and you are good to go!
3) If you get behind, it is really whatever... eventually you will catch up... or maybe it wasn't even that important to begin with.
4) What's a personal life??
5) 8:00am classes = DEATH.
6) It is wayyy too easy to buy things off Amazon... and especially with free two day shipping! (but, hey, if you want to watch Glee Season 1, it just came in the mail!
7) "We don't need tickets... I'm Chuck Bass"
Things I have learned so far this semester:
1) Changing your major gets easier every time you do it! Goodbye education, hello marketing!!
2) Sleep is so overrated ... all you need is a little coffee and you are good to go!
3) If you get behind, it is really whatever... eventually you will catch up... or maybe it wasn't even that important to begin with.
4) What's a personal life??
5) 8:00am classes = DEATH.
6) It is wayyy too easy to buy things off Amazon... and especially with free two day shipping! (but, hey, if you want to watch Glee Season 1, it just came in the mail!
7) "We don't need tickets... I'm Chuck Bass"
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Looking Back With A Smile
I have a scrapbook for every year since I was a freshman in high school... and let's admit that every year they have gotten a little more visually appealing! Since there isn't summer camp this week, I have had mass amounts of free time on my hands and don't know what to do with myself. Summer school is a terrible option... why on Earth would I want to do my summer school stuff?? So basically all I have been doing is laying around and scrapbooking! And what a wonderful week it has been!
Tonight I FINALLY finished my scrapbook from Auburn Freshman Year. I had been really close to finishing it last summer, then decided to start a new Sophomore scrapbook instead of finishing the Freshman year one... So this week I went back, and SEVENTY pages later, I finally finished it!! It is amazing to look back at how much you forget in such a short amount of time! My hair had been super short at times, I went to Cancun, tons of summer concerts in Dallas, Lake Martin, Sticks Music Festival (where we stole the epic Bud Light sign), watched Anne roll down the hill that night, and lots and lots of crazy memories.
Now it's off to finish my Auburn Sophomore Year book! I am already to January, so it shouldn't take me a whole year to get it finished.... well, maybe.... No promises though!

Now it's off to finish my Auburn Sophomore Year book! I am already to January, so it shouldn't take me a whole year to get it finished.... well, maybe.... No promises though!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Only Kappa's Can Hoot!
The rooms were crazy huge. It had two king size beds, which I wish I could have brought home with me! SO comfy! and much bigger than the twin size bed I have here... My roommate Taunie, from Oregon State, and I both picked ends of the room to throw our stuff everywhere. With all of the outfit requirements at convention, there was a LOT of clothes in our suitcases!!
Ashley and I spent all day going to different meetings, learning all kinds of Kapparific information, and talking with our chapter advisers. However, we did skip out on the occasional meeting to hit up the fabulous pool to get some sun!! Who could blame us?! It was beautiful! Our layout time was perfectly planned due to the very obsessive and full schedule we were given. (They even alloted 15 minutes travel time in our schedule between activities! And trust me, you needed all 15 minutes of it! The Biltmore is HUGE!)
We had some very... interesting meals throughout the week. Imagine if the chefs on Top Chef were cooking your food every night for dinner... The food would be really tasty (unless they made mini-hamburgers, then it would be disgusting) but with the smallest portions you have ever seen! Ashley and I immediately realized we must have been put on the "Kappa Convention Diet."
The most exciting part of convention would have to be at the Awards Dinner! We weren't even paying attention (naturally!) and all of a sudden heard "Epsilon Eta, Auburn University"... We jumped up and had no idea what was going on or what to do next! We had won the 2008-2010 House Board Award for our beautiful new chapter room! So I ran on stage and claimed our awesome silver bowl. The second coolest thing about convention was at dinner on the last night, where all 1,000+ of us did our rituals. It was amazing to see how everyone in the room knew the same secret stuff!!
Hoot, Hoot, Hoot!
Sign me up for Convention 2012!!
Sign me up for Convention 2012!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Being A Dad Takes Balls...
So I'm a little late on this one... but who could expect anything less of me?!? Father's Day was last weekend, and being the wonderful daughter that I am I want to blog about it!!
FIRST - I gave my Dad a card that read "Being a Dad Takes Balls" ... obviously appropriate! ... which I kind of got a mix of like it/don't like it reaction from him on. However, I thought it was awesome, therefore his reaction didn't matter.
SECOND - I gave him a gift card to the movie theater (so he can take his favorite daughter, and I will give you a hint - it's not Amanda) and The Hangover on dvd. CLASSIC!!! Who doesn't like The Hangover?!? Nobody!! Unless it is A Hangover... because nobody likes that...
Friday, June 4, 2010
SPOTTED: Chace Crawford

SPOTTED -- This just in... While everyone knows K has been searching Plano high and low to get some Chace Crawford action, who would have thought she had just been looking in all of the wrong places?? Now it wouldn't be a true CC visit to Plano without visiting the Plano jail, and that's exactly what Plano native did, in true Planoite fashion - for possession of marijuana. Looks like some boys never learn... Even Hollywood stardom couldn't get you out of this one, but you still really pulled off that orange jumpsuit. XOXO - Gossip Girl.
Just can't get enough? For more: visit E News! or TMZ or just about any gossip site on the web.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
One of my favorite things on the internet is Pandora, and I'm not talking about Greek mythology. Let's face it - Silence is awkward... Pandora fills that awkward silence while you play Bubble Town for hours, straighten your hair, or just hang around. And luckily, you can make your own stations for every occassion, like going out, studying, country, or relaxing! The real wonder with Pandora is how it knows EXACTLY what kind of music you like or should like! Compete with that one iTunes!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Gone to Nordies... HOLLA!
It is a pretty well-known fact among all who know me that Nordstrom's was my first true love in life. Today, I spent a few hours in heaven on earth, and it was absolutely fabulous. Walking through those glass doors into the world of things bright, sparkly, and new just makes my heart flutter and all of the problems outside disappear. The love for Nordstrom's runs deep in my family. Apparently, sometimes good taste is hereditary. My mother is responsible for the infamous Lott Family saying "Gone to Nordies, Holla!" A phrase that has stuck ever since she left the note on the kitchen table.
While I was in high school, my family decided to take a vacation to Seattle, the home of the original Nordstrom store. We dedicated an entire day to shopping there (I'm sure that is something my dad really enjoyed about this vacation...). But I have just one word for the experience - AMAZING. You think the Nordies at North Park is amazing, ohhh Seattle's is North Park on crack. For anyone who hasn't been to Seattle, don't listen to all the downers who talk about the rain. Seattle is one of the most amazing cities I have ever visited and as I discovered, has a lot more to offer than just Nordies! I had some of the most amazing seafood pasta at some little restaurant on the marina, the outdoor market was quite the experience, and tons more!
While I was in high school, my family decided to take a vacation to Seattle, the home of the original Nordstrom store. We dedicated an entire day to shopping there (I'm sure that is something my dad really enjoyed about this vacation...). But I have just one word for the experience - AMAZING. You think the Nordies at North Park is amazing, ohhh Seattle's is North Park on crack. For anyone who hasn't been to Seattle, don't listen to all the downers who talk about the rain. Seattle is one of the most amazing cities I have ever visited and as I discovered, has a lot more to offer than just Nordies! I had some of the most amazing seafood pasta at some little restaurant on the marina, the outdoor market was quite the experience, and tons more!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Decisions, Decisions
EDIT: Completely disregard this post... I'm not doing this anymore :)
I have put an almost obsessive amount of thought into what my blog should talk about... I mean it really shouldn't be this difficult, right? But let's face it. I am the Queen of Rambling, and no one has time to sit here and read all of the Random Thoughts that go through my head during a 30 minute period, it is overwhelming just thinking about typing all of it down!
So I thought to myself, what would I read in someone's blog? It would have to be funny, engaging, witty, and would naturally have to include pictures. I thought and thought and suddenly a light bulb went off in my head! How cool would it be to blog about completing a list of 100 things to do, bucket list type deal? I starting listing out some ideas that I had, and not only do I not have the money to complete such a list, I also only came up with around 30 things (even after Googling it). Plus it wouldn't provide a very updatable blog, which I feel is a necessity, and was kind of depressing. Then I was back to square one...
Doing what any rational person does in this kind of situation -- I googled "things to blog about" ... And here are some of the ideas the trusty sources at Google had to share:
And don't say I never warned you about the rambling!!!
I have put an almost obsessive amount of thought into what my blog should talk about... I mean it really shouldn't be this difficult, right? But let's face it. I am the Queen of Rambling, and no one has time to sit here and read all of the Random Thoughts that go through my head during a 30 minute period, it is overwhelming just thinking about typing all of it down!
So I thought to myself, what would I read in someone's blog? It would have to be funny, engaging, witty, and would naturally have to include pictures. I thought and thought and suddenly a light bulb went off in my head! How cool would it be to blog about completing a list of 100 things to do, bucket list type deal? I starting listing out some ideas that I had, and not only do I not have the money to complete such a list, I also only came up with around 30 things (even after Googling it). Plus it wouldn't provide a very updatable blog, which I feel is a necessity, and was kind of depressing. Then I was back to square one...
Doing what any rational person does in this kind of situation -- I googled "things to blog about" ... And here are some of the ideas the trusty sources at Google had to share:
- Make a List About Random Things (took this advice already)
- Bash Someone, Something, or An Organization (you know how I love this, hah)
- Discuss Something in the News (too political)
- Tell a Weird Fact/Story About Yourself (this could go on for years)
- Complain (totally do-able)
- Discuss Travels You Have Taken (this requires going places)
And don't say I never warned you about the rambling!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
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