Sunday, May 30, 2010

Gone to Nordies... HOLLA!

It is a pretty well-known fact among all who know me that Nordstrom's was my first true love in life. Today, I spent a few hours in heaven on earth, and it was absolutely fabulous. Walking through those glass doors into the world of things bright, sparkly, and new just makes my heart flutter and all of the problems outside disappear. The love for Nordstrom's runs deep in my family. Apparently, sometimes good taste is hereditary. My mother is responsible for the infamous Lott Family saying "Gone to Nordies, Holla!" A phrase that has stuck ever since she left the note on the kitchen table.

While I was in high school, my family decided to take a vacation to Seattle, the home of the original Nordstrom store. We dedicated an entire day to shopping there (I'm sure that is something my dad really enjoyed about this vacation...). But I have just one word for the experience - AMAZING. You think the Nordies at North Park is amazing, ohhh Seattle's is North Park on crack. For anyone who hasn't been to Seattle, don't listen to all the downers who talk about the rain. Seattle is one of the most amazing cities I have ever visited and as I discovered, has a lot more to offer than just Nordies! I had some of the most amazing seafood pasta at some little restaurant on the marina, the outdoor market was quite the experience, and tons more!
The Flagship Nordstrom's in Seattle

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

EDIT: Completely disregard this post... I'm not doing this anymore :)

I have put an almost obsessive amount of thought into what my blog should talk about... I mean it really shouldn't be this difficult, right? But let's face it. I am the Queen of Rambling, and no one has time to sit here and read all of the Random Thoughts that go through my head during a 30 minute period, it is overwhelming just thinking about typing all of it down!

So I thought to myself, what would I read in someone's blog? It would have to be funny, engaging, witty, and would naturally have to include pictures. I thought and thought and suddenly a light bulb went off in my head! How cool would it be to blog about completing a list of 100 things to do, bucket list type deal? I starting listing out some ideas that I had, and not only do I not have the money to complete such a list, I also only came up with around 30 things (even after Googling it). Plus it wouldn't provide a very updatable blog, which I feel is a necessity, and was kind of depressing. Then I was back to square one...

Doing what any rational person does in this kind of situation -- I googled "things to blog about" ... And here are some of the ideas the trusty sources at Google had to share:
  • Make a List About Random Things (took this advice already)
  • Bash Someone, Something, or An Organization (you know how I love this, hah)
  • Discuss Something in the News (too political)
  • Tell a Weird Fact/Story About Yourself (this could go on for years)
  • Complain (totally do-able)
  • Discuss Travels You Have Taken (this requires going places)
While I was getting more and more aggravated with choosing something... I got it! I am going to blog about the 50 Things to Do While At Auburn University, and share my experiences going through the whole list with the world! That being said... HELLO BLOG WORLD, WATCH OUT! You have some competition coming your way!

And don't say I never warned you about the rambling!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First Post

Hmm... I'm not so sure what to blog about... More later?!